Friday, May 3, 2013

May the 2nd 2013: On the way to Fukuoka

Yesterday I started this little adventure. I am going to spend few days in Fukuoka practicing Kendo at Fukuoka University of Education in the dojo directed by Honda sensei (7 Dan). The trip was quite long and I near to the end since I am waiting to catch the last flight to Fukuoka.

Torino Airport
Frankfurt Airport

 Seoul Airport

This time I was quite lucky on the international flight since it was partially empty and I could move to one seat near the emergency exit. A lot of space for the feet!
It was a long time that I did not spend time talking with somebody on a flight. I had a nice time talking with a sailor man. He is young, 25 years old. He is from Montenegro and he works on oil tanks. I was very curious of his work and we talk a lot about it. It is a hard work, you are on the sea for 3 months and then you are back for other 3 months. However, the critical issue is that when you are back you have a lot of time but it is not the same for all the rest of the people you know. At the end you are very lonely. He told me that sailing is one of the few opportunities for young people in Montenegro and he said that for the moment is ok then he will decide.
I am now in Seoul Airport and my flight to Fukuoka is going to depart in few minutes.
My Italian sensei, Walter Pomero (7 Dan) is now at the Kyoto Taikai and we will meet in Fuluoka on next Monday. This week end I will visit Fukuoka with a Japanese friens that will arrive from Nara tomorrow morning.
More info on my time in Fukuoka on next post.

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